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How to be a “Midlife Maven” and take control of your wellness after 40


How to be a “Midlife Maven” and take control of your wellness after 40

Felicity Cohen: Hello, I’m Felicity Cohen. I’m so excited to introduce you to my wellness warriors podcast. For over 20 years, I’ve been a passionate advocate for helping thousands of Australians find solutions to treating obesity and health-related complications. Through surgical intervention and holistic managed care.

My podcast is dedicated to all the people past, present, and future who has helped shape my journey and continue to inspire me to work consistently to achieve a healthier Australia in both adults and future generations. I hope you enjoy. Hello, and welcome to Angela warm. Welcome to my wellness warriors podcast.

It’s an absolute pleasure to have you here with me today. Thank you for joining us. 

Angela Warm: Thank you Felicity. I’m so annoyed. I have a wellness warrior mug. It literally says wellness warrior. And I have it at the house though, but I’m at my office this morning, so. 

Felicity Cohen: Oh, wow, so your you’re in Switzerland. You’re an ex-pat from the United States,

having lived in Florida. And you’re an ex scientist and now a seasonal health coach is how you described yourself. 

Angela Warm: Correct. And, and I always like to say, yes, I’m a former scientist, but I think once you’re a scientist, that’s kind of part of how you approach life in general. like I look even for my health coaching, I’d try and solve problems and get to the root cause and see what’s what’s causing things.

So it feels like the scientist mode is always there. 

Felicity Cohen: Absolutely. So you had a professional career as an environmental scientist?

Angela Warm: I did. I worked in the renewable energy sector. Right now the company I worked for is like the second largest renewable energy builder in the U S so and I loved it.

I loved my job. I did a lot of environmental permitting, making sure things were in compliance with the rules and regulations of the United States, that laws. And then, yeah, we got this opportunity to move to Switzerland from my husband and my husband’s side of the career. And right at that time, I just had my first kid.

So I was like, oh, this will be good opportunities to take some time off. It was only supposed to be two or three years. I figured we’d be back in Florida after a couple of years. And then yeah, that’d be back at work, but we fell in love with Switzerland. I had another child while we lived here and we decided to give it a go as ex-pats and we’ve been here 10 years.

So yeah, it took me a couple of years of finding my feet in a different country and raising kids in a foreign country. And I said, I have to do something I gotta, I gotta do something. And one of the things that made me, I always tell people I went back and got my health coaching certification for really selfish reasons.

It’s because I found myself getting, like I had the flu twice in those that span of being a young mum with no family support around when I consider myself pretty healthy. And never having had the flu in my life like having it in a short period of time, I was like, again, it’s that scientist cap went back on and I was like, what is the cause of this?

 why is this happening? And so I went back and got my health coaching certification for selfish reasons for myself. I wanted to be healthy, but also to raise my children in the best way possible, but like many health coaches, I meet what you learn during that training. That certification training is really eye-opening and you cannot help but want to share it with other people, especially other tired mums who need, need support in that way. So, yeah, that’s kind of what, how my journey to health coaching. from scientists came to be. Yeah. 

Felicity Cohen: I’ve always imagined that the Swiss and from what I’ve seen and having traveled through Switzerland, that there are a really fit, healthy kind of population and they get out on weekends, they’re on the trains.

They’re either skiing or walking in the snow, snow shoe walking, whatever it takes. And I’ll actually never forget once going on a hike in the snow in Switzerland and being absolutely amazed at how old the people seemed. They seem to stay pretty fit healthy and well into old age. 

Angela Warm: It’s so true that I was really one of the like surprising to me too. In the United States, you don’t see a lot of people out walking just generally walking for fun. But here you see all ages from kids up to older retirees biking like I always joke when I’m out on a walk or bike ride with my husband, I was like, that’s us when we retire, you know?

Cause you see that age group and it’s so lovely. They are much more fit and it was very interesting. We got to go back to Florida this summer, because we had not been back in two years. We hadn’t seen our family and I was so lazy because one, it was blazing hot so unless you’re an early bird and can get out before the crack of Dawn, it’s really, the heat is very oppressive in Florida in the summer.

And of course I’ve gotten that I’ve gotten unused to it because my Florida blood has changed a bit. So I found myself being a little bit, definitely more sedentary. And literally the, like the week we got back to Switzerland to in school, started, I’m walking to the store, I’m walking to friend’s house, I’m walking everywhere. 

It was so amazing. The difference I felt just, not just physically, but emotionally as well. I found myself sleeping better. My anxiety I had in Florida, just from all the travel and the COVID situation was reduced greatly. But it was, it was just really obvious how different that is. Like you have either a sedentary lifestyle or you have one that I, and I’m not saying I’m not out going to the gym.

I’m not out jogging. I’m just on a daily basis walking at least 10,000 steps just from my lifestyle, you know. I walked to work, I walk to the grocery store. I might walk to the train station. So it makes a huge difference, like that kind of lifestyle. So yes, you’re absolutely right. And it’s all age groups and it’s lovely on Sundays.

I’m kind of envious because you’ll see on Sundays, the younger kids are with their grandparents a lot. I don’t know to give the parents a break or whatever. And so it’s like, I kind of get I was like, oh, I wish my family was close by. But you see that the grandparents out taking the kids for a bike ride or a walk.

So yeah, it’s so lovely. Yeah. And in the mountains, like you said, in the mountains, you see it as well. It’s very active. We were in the mountains a couple of weeks ago. And it was just a lovely weekend. I don’t know like Switzerland had a really rough summer. We’re almost fortunate, we went back to Florida.

They had lots of rain and just icky, not the best summer weather. So the few days of summer, they had a few weeks ago, people were out and the trails were packed. Like it was actually almost too crowded. There was so many bicyclists and people on the trails, which again is lovely to see. But at the same time, you’re like, wow. it’s almost too crowded. Yeah. 

Felicity Cohen: Wow. So do you think that the phenomenon of feeling as though you’re in that overwhelm mode of trying to juggle life when you’ve got children and work and for you living in a new country at the time. Do you think the experience for you is pretty much something that is universal, that most women get into this state of just throw their hands in the air? I’ve got too much to deal with and end up compromising their own health. Is that something that you feel is a worldwide state of play?

Angela Warm: Absolutely. I think women, we, I always joke, like if my husband should get one less hour of sleep, he’s unbearable to be around. Whereas you think of like us raising kids or all the things we do as women, we worry about things at night.

Oh my gosh. We compromise our sleep. We compromise our health in the process. It’s all connected. But absolutely, and I think this COVID situation has also shined a big light on that as to how much women do you know. Whether now that they had to like either stay home and homeschool as well as do their regular job, as well as do the household chores.

And yeah, no, I agree. Absolutely. That women take on way too much at the expense of their own health. They put it’s one of my mantras, like do not put your health on the back burner for the sake of everybody else’s because you’re not showing up to your relationships. You’re not showing up to your family.

You’re not showing up to your career, whatever it is that you are passionate about with all your passion and ability if you’re, if your health has compromised. And I think as women, we kind of do ignore it for a long time until something happens, you know. Whether it’s a health scare or a burnout or a breakdown even, I mean, it happened. 

Felicity Cohen: Definitely. And there’s typically some form of a trigger that pushes us into this realisation that yes, we need to look after ourselves better for sure. 

So for you, those triggers, there were lots of them for you. And clearly the flu wasn’t something that was exclusive just to contracting in Switzerland, but no state of what you were dealing with at the time.

Do you think that because of the whole big COVID situation, that we’re more focused on our immunity now as well, that we’re more in tune with, we need to protect our health a little bit more. 

Angela Warm: I mean, I think some people are, and some people aren’t it’s one of those things that I don’t I think some people look at it and be like, okay, I want to prioritise what’s important. And some people are like, I’ve had many clients come to me and be like in the last 18 months they’re like, okay, I’m ready to get healthy where I know that others are I have even friends and family who are like, nah it just is what it is and they’ll get through it or deal with it at another time.

I don’t know. Yeah. So I think it’s yeah, I think it’s just something that is different for everybody. 

Felicity Cohen: So, what are some of the key areas that you focus on in your health coaching? 

Angela Warm: So it’s funny. So I, for the last five or six years, I’ve worked a lot with mums, obviously who are tired, lack of energy. just finding that, getting sick very often. So working on making sure they’re getting the right nutrients, obviously, and prioritising their health and nutrition. But you know what I always say, mums, they have a ripple effect on your family. if you, if you can eat healthy, you’re, you’re setting a good example.

And usually it does spill over into your kids eating a bit better and those kinds of things. So, so definitely. Just giving them more energy, but actually over the last gosh, I would say year to two years, I’ve actually been working with a lot of women going through perimenopause as well. and I, and that’s why I, like, I kind of say it’s a seasonal approach to health and wellness because really what maybe what you did in your twenties and thirties for health reasons really, isn’t what you need in your forties and fifties.

 in our twenties and thirties as women, we tend to like crazy diet or overexercise or do things that we think are healthy. Maybe cut out fat or cut calories when in your forties and fifties, that is just not going to work. It’s going to send your send your body into kind of a adrenal overload of a lot of cortisol going out.

But also I think in our forties and fifties, we need to also focus on stress management, dealing with some of the emotional things that we’ve maybe have harbored for many decades. I believe that menopause is that time to maybe address those, those situations and understand that that has an impact on your health and wellbeing as well.

 So yeah, so that’s kind of my, if you’re saying like, I think that’s what you asked me, who I work with or who I’m helping the most.

Felicity Cohen: The stress, something that you feel is more heightened as women enter into that stage of life, forties and fifties, that they might have ignored previously. Is it exacerbating that the concerns, the issues and the impact of what they’re dealing with once they hit perimenopause,

Angela Warm: it’s definitely exasperating the, the symptoms of what can come up.

And I think it’s also. That it’s, that there’s such a narrative around perimenopause and menopause that almost like a taboo that women don’t talk about like they’re almost embarrassed to talk about, or if they go to their doctor, the doctor might brush it off kind of like, oh, you’re just going to have to deal with this.

So I feel like a lot of women have internalised it, but also haven’t felt like, it’s safe enough to talk about it with their friends or their mums or their those or whoever their siblings, those kinds of things. So one of my goals is let’s talk about it more. Let’s get it out of the taboo of wherever it should be and kind of flip the script and say like, this is everybody like almost every woman is going to go through this. Let’s talk about it. And let’s talk about what we can do to help reduce those symptoms. And stress is definitely one of them, but I think that stress is for a lot of women is so. Like we talked about in the beginning we just take on so much, whether it’s working family, household, those kinds of things. But also as we enter this what, I kind of call this second chapter of our lives. It’s also like, it’s a big reevaluation for a lot of women it’s looking at, okay, I’m past that fertile stage.

Like who am I now? And they’re asking themselves a lot of questions, like, and what do I want to do? What do I want to set up for myself or my family, or how do I want to see the next chapter of their lives. And I think that it’s in itself brings on a lot of stress a lot of. I mean, the whole science behind are very menopause with the estrogen kind of being on a rollercoaster ride and the progesterone.

And I mean, the progesterone hormones are kind of like our feel-good hormone. So like when that drops, it does cause some anxiety, some depression. So knowing how to deal with that, I think is really important. And that’s really what I try and help women with is like, there’s ways we can work on this or help modify those symptoms really.

 having to get really extreme about anything. Really. Yeah. So 

Felicity Cohen: What are some of your top tips for stress management and how do you actually deal with it and how do you encourage and empower women to develop strategies to cope better? 

Angela Warm: So as a scientist, I like to toss in some facts to them. that’s one of my, but I mean, just thinking about how stress and worry and anxiety, cause it has actually has a physiological component in our bodies, you know?

And in it, I always try to tell my clients like, think of back in the caveman days, like your. you’re running or you’re you’re stressed from being chased by something your body literally sends signals to hold on to anything, you know? And so I’m saying like fat toxins, anything you have in your body, it’s going to hold on to so that you have those reserves later.

So I’m like, so let’s see ways we can reduce that stress. And Like there is not a one size fits all approach for stress management. And so what I tend to do is give them some options. So you can try meditation, you can try yoga, you can try journaling. Something that they just to pick one and to try it.

 The other thing that I really. I will say, I, I try and encourage all my clients to do is exercise. And I mean, but find some type of movement kind of like I was saying here in Switzerland, like movement is just part of our everyday life. It’s not something I go to the gym and work out for like an hour or whatever.

 Which is fine if that’s what you like, I try to encourage them find some type of movement that you enjoy doing. So it doesn’t feel like it’s a chore or it’s something you have to do. It’s something you want to do because. Makes you feel good, but exercise, I mean, that kind of movement and exercise has so much benefit, not just physically, but mentally as well to reduce that anxiety, to reduce the stress and getting outside.

I mean, I, it’s kind of a holistic approach. Stress management also it plays into what we eat as well. Like if we’re eating a lot of sugar, a lot of processed foods, a lot of caffeine, a lot of alcohol that’s going to send that send those signals to the body as well, that it’s stressful or make it harder to reduce those stress symptoms.

And then obviously sleep is one making sure we’re getting quality sleep, but and it’s not just a matter of like, oh, I just need to go to bed early. Sleep is how you like is what you do all day long to set you up for a good night’s sleep. And that means getting some natural sunlight or outdoor light at some point during the day. Getting some exercise getting the right nutrients, those kinds of things. 

Felicity Cohen: So with exercise, do you think that women hit a certain point in their lives, and if they enjoy it or being active participators in all sorts of exercise that they slow down and they stop? 

Angela Warm: I do. I mean, I even see that myself. I notice it when I can go I notice that I’ve slowed down. I used to, like, I used to do triathlons as like in my thirties and then I have kids.

And so there’s, again, it goes back to that you put everybody else’s needs back on the put your needs on the back burner, but everyone else priority over you and just, but I do, I think we tend to just be more sedentary. And not in general. I mean, some people are more active, some people aren’t, but in general, the women who come to me are a bit more sedentary.

 They’ve just either they never liked exercise or movement or just wasn’t a priority to them. Or they feel that as they got older they just didn’t have the energy to get out and do it or make it a priority. So yeah, finding those little nuggets of movement that they enjoy and encouraging them and starting really starting small as well.

If they’re one, if they’re not, I, I never say like, oh, you need to go work out at the gym for an hour because honestly that can cause a lot of stress on your body as well. if you’re overdoing it especially as we get into our forties and fifties, we can overdo exercise. I’ve had, I’ve had many clients come to me, was like, Hey I’ve cutting calories.

And I’ve been to the gym hours during the week and I’m not losing weight. And I was like, actually, you’re, you’re sending the wrong signals to your body. Again, going back to those like caveman days, your body thinks you’re under a lot of stress doing that. If you haven’t been doing that for a long time and it’s holding on to that excess weight.

So let’s find some gentle ways to exercise. But the, and the other thing I really stress try and get my, encourage my clients to do in their forties and fifties as strength training, we don’t realise how even just 10 or 15 minutes a day can make a huge difference and building some muscles so that you are kind of building yourself up to prevent that.

Onslaught of kind of the what I call the post-menopausal diseases, those like your brain, the bone, the oh my God. I call it the three BS, breast. So brain, bone, breast health becomes very critical as after menopause. And I think women don’t realise that if you’re not setting yourself up to somewhat healthy.

And those during perimenopause, it can not be a pleasant circumstance after menopause. So, but the strength training really makes a big difference. the tablets. 

Felicity Cohen: Yeah. I think it’s so important. And I think more and more so as you get older for bone density for osteoporosis, and my big thing is functional fitness.

And if you’re not able to move well then you’re not setting yourself up for those ladies. So I totally agree with you that strength training should be more and more prominent and maybe take over from some of the more cardiovascular type programs as you get older. So, yeah, totally agree. It’s very important.

What are some of the, if you could identify the top three complaints, I guess that women in their forties and fifties present to you with, what would they look like? 

Angela Warm: It would be probably stubborn weight gain. They’ve gained a few pounds over the years and they just can’t shake it like they did in their twenties and thirties, like the crazy bat diets or the overexercising, doesn’t cut it.

So stubborn weight gain, energy. Just feeling as mums like young mums are you’re like, you’re tired, but this is like that bone crushing tired like you’re just exhausted all the time. And then so weight gain, energy and a lot of aches and pains just like joint aches.

And I think it goes back to your question about, are they more sedentary? I feel like that is the cause that it exasperates. So they’re sedentary. They’re not moving as much because they have little aches and pains and then it just kind of gets worse. And so we work on ways to reduce. Again, some of the, some of the nutrition can help that, for sure.

But also just like you’re saying that gentle movement, whether it’s stretch, stretching, strength training, walking to get that back. So yeah, that would be what I see most common.

Felicity Cohen: Energy. Energy is something that people talk about every single day. Men and women constantly wanting more energy that feeling depleted, feeling run down and that tank is just, it’s just running out all the time.

And so you’re constantly hearing people saying, I just want more energy. How do you deal with that? And what are some of the tricks and tips that you actually try and get your clients to implement, to give them a better surplus of energy? 

Angela Warm: I am a big advocate for having a good breakfast. I mean, not everybody think that works. I mean, again, I never say it’s a one size fits all for everyone. If breakfast, isn’t your thing. That’s fine. But if you are complaining about lack of energy, try having a good breakfast and making sure you’re getting a good protein and a good, healthy fat that’s another thing is women were, so we were raised to like, be afraid of fat like I had a client just last week.

Who’s like, oh, I’m not eating the egg, she’s eating egg whites or whatever instead of like, no, I’m like eat the whole egg, please. You need all the nutrients in that egg for, to help you get have that sustained energy. But also I believe that breakfast sets you up for the rest of the day.

 As long as you’re not eating like sweets and pastries, those kinds of things, if you’re getting a good protein source, if you’re getting a good fat and the good nutrients for breakfast, it does trigger your metabolism to not have so many sugar cravings for the rest of the day.

 And again, I mean, I, I would like all your meals to be a good, healthy protein, fat, carbs that kind of thing. But but I really think a lot of. It can be such an easy option to make sure you’re getting that protein because the protein helps you feel full, but it also helps sustain your energy levels.

And I’ve had many, a tired mum say that that makes a big difference for them. They were just so surprised at how that helped with their energy levels through the day. 

Felicity Cohen: Amazing. You’ve got some beautiful recipes that I noticed on your website, and you’ve also got some information and I love one of your, one of the things that you talk about is how to get kids to eat more vegetables, because I think it’s so important that we do educate, train and inspire our younger generations so that they don’t have.

The problems that maybe your clients that they’re dealing with now that I use, they’re not the ones who are gonna grow up with those problems. So vegetables, it’s a really great foundation for them. What do you tell families about how to get children to eat more vegetables? 

Angela Warm: It’s a lot of trial and I say you have to keep trying.

Cause like I have two kids, my daughter eats everything from day one, like loves broccoli, loves like everything. And my son was the picky one and, and it was one of those where you just we’re like, just try it it wasn’t again, not to be forced, but, and I think, and it, I will say like, people are amazed to hear he’s nine now.

And I would say for the last four or five years he’s eaten exactly what we eat which is lovely. it makes a big difference, but it’s, it takes them like, I forget what the number is like seven or 10 times of trying something before they will eat it. So, and also just making sure you’re eating healthy too.

You’re being a good example. when you’re sitting at the table, you are having your vegetables and not complaining about it, but also knowing how to cook vegetables. I know growing up, like I hate there was certain vegetables I hated cause my mum didn’t know how to cook them. They were soggy and mushy and just tasted awful, but oh my, I will give you the perfect example.

Was it Tuesday one night this week, I made Brussels sprouts with some salmon, which is a very common, easy, simple, quick recipe for dinner around our house. And roasting Brussels sprouts, my kids ask for seconds. Like I was like, there was seconds of every there was more of everything and I was like, you can have if you need more there’s salmon, there’s Brussels sprouts.

There’s I think we had some black rice and they’re like, oh, can we have some more Brussels sprouts? And that’s when, like, as a mum, you’re like, yes, I’ve done the right. I’ve done well, but it’s also about how to cook them. So they taste good. like it doesn’t, you don’t have to slather them with cheese and all the things that to make them taste good, you can make vegetables in a really healthy way. And I think that makes a huge difference as well. 

And yes, I did the sneaky and I’ll put zucchini in muffins and things just and if we have scrambled eggs, we’ll put some spinach. And I mean it’s just something they got used to eating, you know?

And I think, cause my kids are also super active they’re also out biking to their friend’s house or doing a lot of sports. So they’re hungry and it’s at that point, yeah. They’re going to eat what’s in front of them and it’s usually nine times out of 10, pretty darn healthy. So lots of 

Felicity Cohen: Love it. And there’s, I love the look of some of your recipes and you’ve got a three day meal plan that you’ve designed for family food so that people can cook their meals and it doesn’t have to be too time-consuming, I’m a great fan of the 30 minute meal, but I also love family food that were including our children and really making family mealtimes a priority.

What does that look like is it any different in Switzerland or is it anything different for you?

Angela Warm: It was very different from the U S because I’m in Switzerland here, we, they have their big warm meal at lunchtime. Like we, we literally, as a family have three meals a day together because we have breakfast together.

And then the kids come home for lunch even into high school. And though the older kids lunch, I mean, they might, I guess when they get older, they could go to lunch, if they want to, they don’t have to come home. But but so the kids come home for lunch. They get a warm meal at lunch . 

I mean, not every day, obviously, but. And then dinner, here in Switzerland dinners, more of like a bread cold cuts. But even I mean, I’m sure mums are like scratching their head, but I still cook three meals a day. We have three, obviously in the summer we have more salads and cooler foods.

And again, my seasonal approaches, we eat what’s in season. So in the winter we’re going to eat more soups and winter vegetables, those kinds of things. But also making it easy, like. I’m a big advocate for you make extra rice so that you can have that with your next meal later in the week, or make a big pot of beans so that you can make several things with it.

 but yeah, the. And then my kids often help with that. Like when I always joke with my picky, my picky son when I started getting him to help me in the kitchen, like, he’s like the leak washer we call them like and encouraging that and making it a game and making it fun. And that night I will never forget after he helped me wash all the dirt out from the leaks, making leaks soup.

 He’s like, oh, this is the best soup ever. And you’re like, yes, but because he had this vested interest in it, and a lot of mums I know who are like, oh my kids in the kitchen, that’s going to take extra time. And it might, but it will pay off in huge rewards because they’ll, they feel this I don’t know, empowerment, almost like, oh, I can make something and then they tend to eat better that way.

So yeah. It’s one. That’s how I’m not saying they always help and they might not be doing the cooking, but my kids are, they know that they’re helping set the table or get things ready or asking what, yeah, it’s a big family or deal three times a day. 

Felicity Cohen: It’s huge. It’s a family. I’m almost a little bit disappointed that you’re talking to me today from your office. Cause I was actually really curious to see stuart Liddell’s kitchen really looks like. 

So is it, is it a situation where people do talk about how many square feet you’ve got? 

Angela Warm: Yeah, we, I think it’s here. Yeah, no, I think. But actually people don’t talk about it because it’s just normal life here that we live in small places like small apartments.

That’s very normal. I mean, we have a three bedroom apartment, which is a luxury apartment really for that everybody has their own bedroom, but yeah. But again, it goes back to, it was funny. I was thinking about this walking over to the office this morning that you have to appreciate the high density here, because it gives so much open space like in green space for people to again, walk and enjoy the mountains and stuff.

So that’s again, coming from the U S where everybody has their own huge house, that kind of thing. It took some getting used to, but I appreciate that change in lifestyle like we’re just used to. And it goes back to like we know all our neighbors, everybody looks out for each other.

It’s lovely. it was funny on Monday, my daughter broke her finger. She, I mean, just at school, like it was a little, it was just a little fracture, but luckily there, and I couldn’t tell really if it was, she was even crying or anything, but I was like, I don’t know, is it broken? Do we go to the doctor?

 like, and the downstairs neighbors, a nurse and he looked at it, he’s like, yeah, it’s broken. I was like, okay it’s nice to have people close by, but yes, we have a very small apartment. 

Felicity Cohen: How was it for you and for your family living through the most challenging moments of the pandemic? Were your children homeschooled during that phase?

Angela Warm: Switzerland had a very relaxed approach to the COVID situation. My kids were only homeschooled for two months last year. So from March to May when it first started and we were so lucky because the weather was gorgeous. Like it was like summer weather, which is unheard of here. So the kids could still.

There was no real strict lockdown they could still, we could still go outside. Enjoy. I mean, going back to the Swiss really love being outdoors. There was, there was never a strict lockdown here for that. And I, even though our numbers were high in the beginning, we had a lot less what you saw here, even though our numbers were high and like they’re, they’re getting higher again.

We had a lot less deaths a lot less hospitalisations. And I think it’s because people are healthier in general. So, I mean for us, it was hard just being away from our family and worrying about our family back in the US, but it wasn’t a huge problem for us. I don’t know.

I don’t, I’m not trying to make little of it because it was a different situation here. The other thing is I think the Swiss really follow rules, as soon as there was a mask mandate indoors, then everybody did it. There was no, yes, we have the friends people who might say no to that, but you wore your mask and doors.

You did, you comply with the rules and life goes on. 

Felicity Cohen: So, where do you see the future of health coaching for you? 

Angela Warm: I mean, for me, I love doing the I still doing the one-to-one coaching and really I’m focusing on women in going through that like kind of perimenopause, menopause transition, what I would love to see it.

And I’m in the process of is we talked a lot about, like, we didn’t talk a lot about it, but we’d talked. I mentioned it like anxiety and depression, looking at what you want to do with your life. Maybe if you want to make a change in your career. So for me, I’m putting together kind of a collaboration with some other women outside of my area of expertise, mine is health, wellbeing, nutrition, those kinds of things.

But I want to bring in like a life coach who specialises in women, what women seeing what you you’re passionate about what you want to do for the next life, but there’s also a lot of other issues around menopause. There’s sexual health, there’s mental health, those kinds of things, and maybe pulling them together.

So there’s a bigger collaboration around covering all those topics, you know? So maybe like a group program or some type of membership program and in 2022, that would cover some of those other topics as well. Now, when I do my group, I do group programs and I always bring in some guest speakers, whether it’s life coaching, like I have a sleep expert come in one time and sexual health expert so, but making, I think people really are interested in then and going back to kind of what we were talking about.

It’s funny how I shouldn’t say it’s funny. It’s interesting. I’ve seen I’ve had a lot of clients who, like you said, weren’t brought up with good cooking skills. So getting back to basics on how to cook some basic healthy, healthy meals. So maybe I’m a chef or someone who specialises in home cooking, that kind of thing.

So, yeah, I kind of I like collaborating with other women because entrepreneurship can be lonely when you’re doing it. 

Felicity Cohen: That sounds like a lot of fun. Yeah. Collaboration is a lot more fun. 

Angela Warm: Yeah, absolutely. So, yeah, that’s what we’re looking at.

Felicity Cohen: It’s an absolute pleasure talking to you today and thank you so much for coming on the podcast.

I do have one final question that I like to ask all of my podcast guests, Angela, what does wellness mean to you? 

Angela Warm: I think it’s showing up to your day, knowing that you’ve done your best and feeling good about how you’re communicating or interacting with other people. I think as a busy mum, And a tired mum back that when my kids were little, I wasn’t showing up very well to the family and I didn’t like that.

So I think knowing that at the end of the day, you, you did your best even if it was messy or not perfect, but just feeling like, okay I ate well, I got some exercise and I had a good relationship with my family or good connection with the family today. So that’s really, for me that’s super important.

Felicity Cohen: Beautiful. Thank you. Thank you so much for joining. 

Angela Warm: Thank you. 

Felicity Cohen: Thank you for joining the wellness warriors podcast. It’s been a pleasure to have you online with us. If you enjoy the series, please leave your review, subscribe and follow it. And we look forward to sharing many more stories with you in the future.

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