Show Notes:
5:02 – I tried many things over the time with gyms and losing weight and did it quite successfully, but then something happens and you get back on the sliding scale again, usually, an injury or something happens that puts you out of whack for a while, and you get back into the wrong food choices again.
7:05 – I believe it’s an internal voice that’s in your mind, that’s telling you it’s okay to keep eating the wrong foods. You need those foods.
7:23 – It’s that denial thing of not realising that you are that big because I didn’t think I was that big, even though I knew what size clothing I was buying and the amount of food I was eating.
8:59 – With family life, it was hard to see where the problems were because when you’re getting into that relationship and the comfort, my wife was also gaining weight through poor food choices and we both gained significant weight.
10:26 – My sister’s weight probably worsened when she got into a stable relationship, her weight issues remained unchecked and she developed diabetes.
13:54 – All these things happened a couple of years ago when there was the possibility of reversing, some of the effects before they got too bad, but that denial factor of her, she didn’t do it, and hence why it has led to now, this final outcome.
26:23 – With my approach to the weight loss surgery, I was told about WeightLoss Solutions Australia and got in contact with them, and I found a solution there.
28:46 – Activity days include functions with high-level chefs providing meal solutions and paddle boarding. WeightLoss Solutions Australia sponsored the #WeightLossWarriors community to train and participate in the Gold Coast Marathon.
36:13 – My life now is so totally different from having lost weight. The biggest thing, it’s far easier to travel. I looked up and found a local salsa dancing group, it’s a lot of fun, one of the things with that is it’s called muscle training.
42:19 – #YesYouCan now fit into a toilet on the airplane without many worries, yes you can sit on an airline seat without having to overcrowd the person beside you. Yes, you can go on amusement park rides and know that they can sit the bar on you without having to say, “Sorry, sir. You can’t go on this ride.”